/\ Forge me a sword, and I want you to try / |\ To sharpen it well when you're done. / /\ \ For I learned yesterday that I cannot die, / / \ \ And they say THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! / / \ \ /_/ \_\ \ '` /Forge me a sword, for I need to defend ) || ( Against those who'll come seeking my head. | || | And we'll fight 'till the inescapable end, | || | That leaves one alive, and one dead. | || | | || | | || | Forge me a sword, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!, | || | And too much time already has passed. | || | For though we all must fall, ere the Game can be done | || | I'll be damned if I won't be the last. | || | / | || | \ /( | || | )\ |`\_ | || | _/'| |`. `-._ | || | _,-' ,'| ( ` . `-._ | _--_ | _,-' , ' ) `.._ ` . `-./.__.\.-' , ' _,-' `-._ ` | / \ | ' _,-' `-._/ |_()_| \_,-' ___.-' ______ `-, '-----. |______| / I am Highlander, the IMMORTAL. \ ______ / From the depths of time, I and many of my | \> </ / kind have battled and loved. We are waiting \________/ for the time of the Gathering, when only a _]______[_ few of us are left. Then we will battle for | | the ULTIMATE prize. |________| ]______[# Remember THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! | | |________| Tim McClatchey _]______[_ Live Long and Prosper | | warlord@zonk.geko.com.au |________| THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! _]______[_ | | |________| ]____[ .' `. | < > |> <| < >| `.____.' V V